Sep 2Liked by le Bulletin 🇫🇷by Judy MacMahon

Bonjour Judy. I’ve just returned from leading another tour around La Belle France for a group of North American travelers and finally had a chance to catch up with my Substack reading list.

Thank you so much for featuring my latest story here. I am happy you found it of value!

So many people wondered why commentators had sounded so clueless during the Olympic Games’ opening ceremony it seemed like a good idea to investigate further. Happy I did.

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Yes I’m glad you did too. We all are. It is surprising how lazy some commentators can be though isn’t it. Warm regards


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Aug 28Liked by le Bulletin 🇫🇷by Judy MacMahon

I'm spring, autumn and winter. In that order:) But I also struggle with change. Thanks for a great article!!!!

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ha! almost the same as me... but, I have to ask, where does summer fit?

And thank you for the complement about the article, glad you enjoyed it :)


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Aug 29Liked by le Bulletin 🇫🇷by Judy MacMahon

Summer is a REAL struggle for me. I cannot handle intense heat. In fact, I thought I’d faint on a terrace during lunch today sitting under an umbrella, when the couple next to us (w/out umbrella) enjoyed their two-hour lunch. Winter’s frost is music to my ears:)

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That could be me… just like you feeling every degree of heat and watching others basking in it ;)

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Let’s hope for cooler days ahead!

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Aug 26Liked by le Bulletin 🇫🇷by Judy MacMahon

I’m dreading the end of summer Judy… I love all the seasons but the end of summer marks ‘la rentrée’ as you so rightly point out and that means back to classes and the incessant noise that comes with it. It takes me a month to settle every time!

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I believe that you’re not alone. For many la rentrée is the harbinger of ... well, just too much life. Then before you know it winter is here.

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Aug 26Liked by le Bulletin 🇫🇷by Judy MacMahon


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As I said my preferred season is spring or autumn. It’s the change in energy that I love and also observing all the changes in nature. I m known fir wearing myself out chatting to myself as I walk and noting... oh look at this... oh look at that. Ha!

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