I'm so happy you're on Substack, Judy! I'm excited to read more from My French Life!

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Merci Michelle - I'm loving it here, so many rich Rabbit holes ;)

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Bonjour !

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Je suis très bien merci Judy. Dans le passé j’avais l’habitude de fréquenter le bar Bluestone avec ton groupe meetup. Ravi de te rencontrer encore !

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I love it!

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Bonjour Paige, lovely to have you join us. I'm looking forward to creating more and more content about France beyond the cliché. I'm not sure that you noticed, but we also have a book club (reading in English)! [https://judymacmahon.substack.com/s/bookchat-myfrenchlife]

I see that you're in France. I'd love to know more if you're up for sharing ;)

Warm regards


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